Dog Bed Size Guide

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Dog Bed Fitment/Size Guide

Choosing the correct size dog bed is important, so lets start with the basics!

Is your dog...

... a Curler or a Sprawler?

dog curled up on a beda dog sprawled out on a bed

My pet is a Curler!
My pet is a Sprawler!


For curlers, we recommend a soft walled dog bed, or a box shape or a donut (oval) style. 

Use the size guide below to work out the best size for your dog. Remember your dog will need to be able to curl into the sleep area of the bed, not the beds overall dimensions.

Click here to view all of our soft walled box beds and donut style beds.


For sprawlers, we recommend a mattress or pillow style bed such as the purple dog mattress in our casablanca collection. 

Use the size guide below to work out the best size for your dog. Remember the bed should support both the body and head of your dog when they sprawl.


Click here to view all of our mattress and pillow style beds.

Sofa Beds