Scruffs® Raises Autism Awareness with Adorable Photography Shoot


Scruffs® Raises Autism Awareness with Adorable Photography Shoot

We're marking World Autism Awareness Week with a story about the lovely Robinson family who we met earlier in the year.

Martin, Julie & daughter Grace came into our photo studio in February to raise awareness of the role of support dog Teddy, who has become a very important figure in Grace's life.

Grace, a charming 10-year-old, was diagnosed with Autism in 2016. Grace struggles in social environments after struggling to make friends for many years, and she also suffers complex OCD, meaning the last few years have been an uphill battle for the family as a whole. After noticing Grace's condition was progressively deteriorating, parents Martin & Julie sought the help and guidance of psychologists. 

The family were advised by psychologists to consider adopting a support dog for Grace. After speaking with and receiving advice from The Kennel Club, they were added to a waiting list for such dogs last summer.

However, as the waiting list was so long, the couple decided to look elsewhere and just a couple of months later, in October 2016 the opportunity arose for the family to adopt Teddy, a Bernese Mountain Dog. The family of course jumped at the chance, and the rest is how you say, history?

Image © Pets Love Scruffs

Teddy is just six months old, and in the four months he's been a part of the family, Martin & Julie have noticed a significant change in Grace's persona. Julie said: "He calms her down. He can sense when Grace is anxious, and goes over to comfort her. He really has been a godsend".

Teddy gives Grace something to focus on when she is struggling, and has helped to significantly decrease the number of anxiety attacks which Grace regularly suffers from. In recent weeks, Grace has improved massively in social situations and Teddy has helped to calm her complex OCD, which in turn has given Grace a increased boost of confidence.

The family have said the Grace is so much happier with Teddy around! 

All of us at Scruffs® would like to thank Grace and her family for coming down to see us, and for letting us share their remarkable story.

Please click here to see the fully image gallery from the photoshoot.

In a similar situation? To find out more about Grace's story, please contact us using

--The Scruffs Team-- 

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